Intelligent Allocation®

Determines What and How Much to Own Down to the Specific ETF
Lean In or Lean Out of Equities with Optimal Allocation
Domestic and International Equity and Fixed Income
Cash or Fixed Income are Included as Alternatives
to Equities
Can be Incorporated with Our ETF Subset Indexing for Individual Equities
Technology to Execute
Automatic Adjustments
Using data driven, automated approaches to reposition portfolios can provide advisors real benefits over traditional buy and hold portfolios. FINIAT’s technology chooses the asset size and style, down to the specific ETF. This happens across fixed income, domestic, and international equity ETFs automatically determining “what” and “how much”. Cash is included as an asset class giving the portfolio the ability to “lean in” and “lean out” of equities, targeting the Optimal Mix of Fixed Income and Equities up to a Maximum Allocation.
Optimizing Risk Adjusted Returns
Balancing potential returns against risk is at the heart of our approach, aiming for optimal performance under varying market conditions.
Rapid Recognition of Downward Trends:
Through a proprietary ranking system, our process evaluates a large number of factors and strives to reallocate away from the weakest areas of the market.
Minimizing Recovery Periods:
The sequence returns on an investment are generated is crucial to the long-term growth of an investment. Minimizing the cost to loss (% needed for an investment to get back to net 0 after incurring a loss) plays a significant role in the preservation of capital. By using a process that positions a portfolio in a way that maximizes its risk adjusted potential, large losses can be mitigated into higher returns in future markets.
Set up for the Long Runs, Prepared for the Short Falls:
Statistically markets go up more than down. This is why buy and hold works over the long term. There are times, however, that if you could mitigate deep losses and effectively get back into the market, your experience and returns could be better. FINIAT’s algorithms are long biased for this reason. Our technology primarily wants to be fully invested, but can be pulled out of the markets at times of high downside volatility. The process is always trying to get back to fully invested as quickly as possible.

Optimizing Risk Adjusted Returns
Balancing potential returns against risk is at the heart of our approach, aiming for optimal performance under varying market conditions.
Rapid Recognition
of Downward Trends:
Through a proprietary ranking system, our process evaluates a large number of factors and strives to reallocate away from the weakest areas of the market.
Minimizing Recovery Periods:
The sequence returns on an investment are generated is crucial to the long-term growth of an investment. Minimizing the cost to loss (% needed for an investment to get back to net 0 after incurring a loss) plays a significant role in the preservation of capital. By using a process that positions a portfolio in a way that maximizes its risk adjusted potential, large losses can be mitigated into higher returns in future markets.
Set up for the Long Runs, Prepared for the Short Falls:
Statistically markets go up more than down. This is why buy and hold works over the long term. There are times, however, that if you could mitigate deep losses and effectively get back into the market, your experience and returns could be better. FINIAT’s algorithms are long biased for this reason. Our technology primarily wants to be fully invested, but can be pulled out of the markets at times of high downside volatility. The process is always trying to get back to fully invested as quickly as possible.